Wyoming Whiskey Prawns

I’ve recently come up with a dish that is unique, easy and fun to prepare and local to Wyoming: Quick-fired Jumbo Prawns with Wyoming Whiskey and Garlic. It draws on the sweetness and smokiness of the whiskey and the saltiness and earthy flavors of the prawns.
Quick-fired Jumbo Prawns with Wyoming Whiskey and Garlic
– two cloves of garlic sliced very thin
– 1 tbsp of butter
– 2 shots of whiskey
– 1/2 lemon
– three of the largest, freshest shrimp you can find, peeled
Heat your pan on med-high heat for 1 minute, add the prawns, garlic and a hit of olive oil. Saute for 2 minutes. Take your pan off the heat and slowly add 1 shot of Wyoming Whiskey. Quickly shoot the other shot down your throat. Now you’re cooking! Replace pan over heat. Caution, it may flame. Reduce the liquid until almost gone, about 30 seconds, and add the butter, pinch of salt and a squeeze of lemon juice. Serve and enjoy.